Reportages, Stories, Peoples.
Naga Baba at Kumbh Mela 2016
Comparision and Contradictions in Nudity, Religion and Taboo in Western and in the Indian society
Ujjain, India
The Naga Baba are the highest expression of Indian asceticism.These yogis adhere to strict measures of austerity, fast for days, practice the control of their own senses,refrain sexual life, and inflict body mortifications on themselves.
They are completely naked, only covered by ashes, symbol of renunciation of material life. is difficult to see them around India. They come from the mountain for the religious festival like Kumbh Mela the most important. Millions of pilgrims arrived from all over India to receive the "the holy vision" of these extraordinary men and receive their blessing.
These visions seem to be surreal and contradictory in the world in which we live. Contrary to what happens in the West where the customs seem to be more tolerant and modern, in India to hold hands and kiss in public is still taboo. While in the West television continuously show naked bodies, Bollywood hasn’t succedded in showing images of naked people to the Indian public yet.
On the contrary, it is abolutely normal to see the Indians who live of spirituality, traditions and rituality, to prostrate themselves in front the Naga Baba, and it is really normal to bring their children before these holy naked men, uncombed and with long beards, smoking marijuana, only covered by ashes and they are often before them during their body mortifications.
This vision would frighten every child of the Western modern society, but in India it goes beyond any sense of shame and material restraint for a higher spiritual value.
Malla Yuddha - The Indian Ancient Wrestling
Old Delhi, India
The fighting, body to body, that unites taken, throws, levers and which is intended to subdue the opponent on the ground has very ancient origin.
The term “wrestling” derives from the Old English: wræstlunge,(Gym) but is often called Greco-Roman fight.
Leggendare are the fights that are narrated in the history and mythology, details of wrestling scenes are found in caves dating 15,000 B.C. also in wall paintings in Egyptian and Babylonians tombs; They are narrated by Homer during the Trojan War in the Iliad, in the ancient Indian Mahabharata and in the Sumerian epic of Gilgamesh.
In many parts of the world is possible to find variations of style of wrestling, in India the traditional wrestling called pehlwani and in its more traditional pure style: Malla-Yuddha. (from sanskrit Malla: athlete and Yuddha: Battle, fight, war)
Not So Alone
Peru, Ancash, Chacas.
Among the mountains of the Cordillera of the Andes, at 3500 meters above sea level, there are those who for the sake of others, dedicating their free time to volunteer work. One of the examples iare Yaki and Lourdes, two girls studying to become midwives, who spend all their free Wednesday to the poorest people of the region. They leave early in the morning with two backpacks full of food and materials of first comfort , and walking hours to visit the first house. In these areas, in the mountains, there are people who live in isolation, far more kilometers from the village 'neighbor, who for different reasons have found themselves alone, helpless, sick and forgotten by the world, not by Yaki and Lourdes.
Kumbh Mela
India, Haridwar
The Kumbh Mela, is a mass Hindu pilgrimage, a spiritual festival, considered to be the world's largest religious gathering. The Guiness Book of World Records states that festival, longer than three months, will see the largest number of human beings assemble with a common purpose. More than 50 million peoples comes in Haridwar this year, According to the authorities, The people says more 200 million. The pilgrimage occurs three times every twelve years, when the planet Jupiter enters Aquarius and the Sun enters Aries. Each twelve-year cycle includes the Maha (great) Kumbha Mela, this year Haridwar. According the Hindu religion, souls are reborn after death in a continuous cycle know as Karma, the liberation of this cycle is called Moksha. The Kumbh Mela pilgrimage can have a profound impact on the next life and the cycle of rebirth. Every Hindu wish to wash away their sins in the Holy Gange.
"Se apriamo le mani, possiamo ricevere ogni cosa. Se siamo vuoti, possiamo contenere l'universo"
Buddha Siddhārtha Gautama
Una serie di Ritratti (bn) scattati in Birmania
Mother Teresa Shelter
"Sappiamo bene che ciò che facciamo non è che una goccia nell'oceano. Ma se questa goccia non ci fosse, all'oceano mancherebbe."
Madre Teresa di Calcutta
Un lavoro in working progress sui centri di Madre Teresa di Calcutta in India.
Bodhgaya - Bihar, India
Mahabodhi Temple
The Greatest Buddhist Peace rite
il Grande Rito Buddhista di iniziazione del Kalachakra.
Secondo la tradizione è la cerimonia per la pace nel mondo per eccellenza.
È considerata una benedizione speciale per tutti coloro che vi partecipano e per l'ambiente in cui è data.
La 'Ndocciata
Agnone (IS) La 'Ndocciata - il rito del fuoco più grande del mondo. Come ogni 8 Dicembre si svolge ad Agnone (Is), la Ndocciata. Tradizione antichissima che si perde nei riti pagani ma ancora viva nella popolazione. I portatori accendono le ndocce (torce) e si incamminano lungo il corso principale del paese, che diviene cosi’ un gigantesco ed emozionante fiume di fuoco, fino ad arrivare nella piazza dove un grande falò accoglierà le ndoccie, cancellando così tutte le negatività dell' anno passato.
European Vaishnava Festival
Devoti da tutta europa sono arrivati in Italia
per le celebrazioni , tra riti, conferenze, iniziazioni, canti e danze devozionali.